
Madeleine (Maddy) Backen

Madeleine Backen has been dancing since she was seven. At the age of thirteen she began dancing at Joanne Grace School of Dance, where she was introduced to classical ballet and contemporary dance. Madeleine’s acceptance into Austinmer Dance Theatre at the beginning of 2016 allowed exposure to a wide range of creative and artistic experiences. Taking part in Sagi Gross, Maurice Causey, Spencer Gavin Hering, Ashley Wright, Martin Chaix and Israel Aloni’s workshops widened her understanding of how dance movement can be shaped and manipulated to translate a specific intent and deeper meaning to the audience. She stayed with Austinmer Dance Theatre for five years.

In 2016 Madeleine was one of the few dancers selected to partake in a residency with Iratxe Ansa and Igor Bacovich in Mexico City. Madeleine was thrilled to be given the chance to work with elite dancers in a unique professional environment. Madeleine completed Israel’s, Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company five-month Dance Journey Program in 2017. Madeleine has taken part in two workshop series with Dance Makers Collective in Sydney, in 2020 and 2021. She will be performing in a triple bill as a part of the Dance Makers Collective’s, Future Makers at the beginning of 2022. As of 2021 Madeleine began dancing with Illawarra project-based group, Proper Motion.

Madeleine is an accomplished freelance dancer achieving success in many avenues of the arts. Her commitment and love of all art forms continues to drive her to further development and expression of her art form.