An Iso-somatic Session
In Navel Radiation* all of our six limbs (head, tail, arms, and legs) flow inward and outward via the navel. They also integrate with each other through our navel centre as a six-limbed Seastar. The movement can be initiated centrally from the navel or distally from the ends of the limbs. Developmentally, this initially emerges in the oceanic womb.
With a sense of curiosity and inquiry we will explore internal movement and awareness of breathing as a foundation for external movement. The body cells are informing the brain as well as the brain informing the cells. Orientation occurs around our navel center before it is established around our spine and vertical axis.
*one of the Basic Neurocellular Patterns in Body-Mind Centering (BMCsm), founded by Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen.